Project 20 interviews
«Professionals speak about their daily work and their missions»
Interview with Madam Fanny Lorin.
Coordination Centre of cancer screening programs
Service of preventive medicine Health management
Fanny Lorin is coordinator at the Centre of coordination of cancer screening programs.
She works in collaboration with the CNS. The invitation, extended to women aged between 50 and 70, is valid for 23 months, and is applicable to CNS members resident in Luxembourg.
Non-resident women may also participate in this scheme, but the responsibility is theirs to take the necessary steps to contact the coordination Centre for an invitation.
Around 50% of breast cancers develop between the ages of 50 and 70. The mammogram, used to X-ray the breasts, involves just a small amount of ionizing radiation, due to the sophistication of the machines which are vigorously controlled by law. After menopause the risk of developing cancer due to exposure through X-rays is virtually zero. However, this risk is slightly higher in younger women.
The screening program focuses on asymptomatic women. It is essential that the balance risk/benefit of a mammography is only beneficial to participants. This is the reason why the mammography program focuses on 50- to 70-year-old women.
One of the most advantageous points of this screening is the fact that the scans are read twice: first by a registered radiologist, and then by a second expert. The two radiologists look at the scans independently. In the case of a diverse reading, a third opinion is given during a discussion between two radiologists.
This method of taking two independent opinions is vital
as it allows a greater chance of the detection of an abnormal reading. Indeed, 23% of additional cancers are detected using this method. It also reduces unnecessary additional examinations.
In certain cases, further tests are necessary to follow up on an abnormal reading found on a mammogram. Generally, other tests such as an ultrasound, a breast MRI or biopsy may be necessary. In the majority of cases the result is normal, but it is always better to make sure.
Fanny Lorin explains that about half of the women invited to this screening program, actually attend. She encourages women to take part in this essential screening, which has the advantage of being cost free. Mammograms can detect very small lumps, inconsistencies or small tumors which in general haven’t yet spread. Early detection and subsequent treatment significantly increase the rate of recovery.
However, it is essential that screening is done regularly, if one wants the mammograms to be efficient.
Fanny Lorin insists also on the importance of preventive self-examination of young women, starting from the age of 20.
Again, it is highly recommended that self-examination is done regularly. Above all, if anyone has the slightest doubt or finds something, this should be discussed with the person’s doctor/gynaecologist.
Europa Donna Luxembourg has produced a new flyer that shows how important self-examination is, and this topic will also be discussed in Pink October by health authorities.

For any questions or further information on the subject please call on 24 77 55 50, from Monday to Friday, 8.30 to 11.30am and 14.00 to 17.00pm. You may also leave a message on the answering machine, or send an email to the following address:
Many thanks to Fanny Lorin for all this precious information.
The interview was conducted by Ms. Françoise Hetto-Gaasch, member of the committee of Europa Donna Luxembourg in May 2022.
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